MacDon How To - M2 Series Windrower Eco Engine Control
The MacDon M2 Windrower features an Eco Engine Control (EEC) that allows you to program a lower RPM while cutting in-field so you can save on fuel and DEF. Learn how to set up and use EEC mode!
Hi Everyone, it's Christian from MacDon here again. Would like to spend a few moments talking about the EEC Eco Mode on our M2 Windrower. Anything we can do to help you save a little money on fuel and DEF... Nobody minds that!
I got to go scoop the floor.
The EEC feature is not unique to the M2, it was also available on the M1 and a similar version called intermediate speed control was available on your M1, M155 E4 Series. So the EEC system allows you to set your infield RPM. What that does, is that'll save you some additional fuel and DEF but it does not affect your speeds when you disengage the header.
You'll still have full RPM available. So on your touch display you'll see there's a little gear icon with a leaf on it. If we press that, it brings up the Eco RPM menu. We'll set this to 1,800 n/min.
Enter my field so I go to full RPM. Engage the header, and Eco Mode automatically brings my RPM down to 1,800. Soon as I turn the Eco Mode off, the leaf goes away we're back up to full RPM.
Re-engage Eco Mode back to our set point, or as soon as I disengage the header, full RPM available.
[Camera Man: "Think of the fuel savings!"]
From what I understand, it's actually significant.
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