What's New - MacDon D2 Series for Windrower
Learn what's new on our D2 Series Rigid Platform for Windrowers
Video Transcript:
Hi, everyone. Christian for MacDon. like to spend a few minutes today talking about our D2 rigid platform for windrower application. So in our previous product launch, we talked about some of the general features on the D2. But let's spend a little time today talking about some of the things that are specific for the windrower application.
Today we're working with a D235 header. "D" for Draper, 2 for two series, and 35 for how wide it is. This is available in sizes all the way from 15 to 41ft in your self-propelled wind rower application. This one is pretty well equipped, so we're going to spend a little bit of time exploring some of the optional features and some of the convenience features that you might enjoy on this header.
Under the Endshield
Underneath our endshield, you'll see that this is the familiar cutting system that we have for the FD2 system. Some of the things that, you'll note is it is still a direct drive hydraulic system. One of the things that's new here is you'll see that there is a sensor for your knife speed. We'll talk about that knife speed sensor and its use a little bit later on in this video.
Upper Cross Auger
It's got the easy move transport, so it's got the hitch stowed in the back tube. This one is also equipped with our full width Upper Cross Auger. You can see the motor extends into the end sheet. And it is a full width Upper Cross Auger. These headers can be ordered pre plumbed for upper cross auger. So, during your installation all that's required is to install the auger and hook up these two hoses right here. The steel lines are already factory installed.
Vertiblade™ Vertical Knives.
We have our, fully integrated VertiBlade™ system here as well. We have a separate video on this, which we'll also put a link to in the description. The blade option installs the exact same way as the FD2, there's no hoses or motors on the actual VertiBlade™ itself, so this increases the rigidity and reduces vibration in the field.
Electronically Timed Double Knife Drive
Over on the right hand side of the header, you'll see we have another complete knife drive assembly. So once again, hydraulic drive direct to our knife drive box and our flywheel. And you'll notice again, there is another sensor here. This ties in with a feature called Electronically Timed Double Knife. Some of you might remember on previous generation headers, we used to offer a timed double knife that had a cog belt here instead of a V-belt. This replaces that system. We'll explain a little bit more about how this Timed Double Knife is electronically controlled.
EasyMove Transport™
Moving around to the right hand side of the header. This one is equipped with the EasyMove™ transport. Again, this is the exact same system that we use on the FD2 FlexDraper®. These wheels can be used as stabilizer wheels or as transport wheels.
Hydraulic Hook-Ups & Manifold
Your hydraulic hook-up to your wind rower is pretty much identical to the previous generation D1XL system, so you've got two multi-couplers, one for your knife and draper, the other one for your reel position controls. You'll also notice you've got two electrical connectors, this is something new for the D2. Previously we've only used the single one, now we've had this extra one. So if you're wondering why you've had this extra blank and never used it, it's now being incorporated for this header.
We follow our hoses along and we connect here to our new header mounted manifold, exactly the same on the FD2 FlexDraper® series. This is the connection point for all your hydraulics between the header and the windrower or combine. It's also the location for a lot of your accessory control valves. This header has an Upper Cross Auger. This is your Upper Cross Auger on/off switch, so you don't have to run the auger if you don't want to.
Hydraulic Relief Valve
This component right here this is the, relief valve for your VertiBlade™. How the system works is on the reel return circuit, the oil returns to this location, and we siphon off approximately 2 gallons (9 L) of oil to run the blade. This also has a relief valve built into it, so if your blades were to stall, it would not affect the function of the reel. It’s a fully integrated system, it’s not an accessory add-on, it was designed as part of the header.
Another new component that you'll find on this header ties in once again with that electronically timed double knife. So there is a header-mounted controller that is used to control the electronics for the timed double knife. Another component of your electronically time double knife are these two solenoids mounted in the bottom of your header manifold. These valves or what are going to control the knife to make sure that it stays in time.
How the Electronically Timed Double Knife Work
When you're operating your header, your timed double knife feature is basically invisible as far as the operator is concerned. If you want to check on the operation of the timed double knife feature if you navigate on your touch display. If we go to ‘Diagnostic’ then ‘Input/Output,’ and ‘System,’ you will see ‘Electronically Timed Knife.’ If we select that we can see some of the parameters that are monitored. We can actually see the left knife speed and the right knife speed, and then the knife phase. The phase is basically our knives reciprocating opposite of each other, and that's to cancel out any vibration. If at any time the left knife or the right knife speed starts to change, it can control the hydraulic flow via those valves in the header manifold to get the knife back in phase.
I'll demonstrate by starting the windrower. Your knife speed is displayed on your ‘Run Screen’ as a single value, but, in reality, if we go to our diagnostic page, each knife is actually monitored separately. Your electronically timed knife, when we select that here we can see the left and the right knife actual speed and the phase. Whether or not they are stroking together or potentially starting to get out of phase, the system will automatically correct. So we're always stroking in and out to cancel out any vibration. When I engage the header, you'll be able to see the actual RPM of the knife and you can see it one was lagging behind there just for a second. So as one starts to lag behind the other you'll see that phase number change. So the system is fully automatic, there's no need for you to do anything. Just concentrate on cutting on your field. The electronically timed knife system will take care of itself to keep your knives perfectly timed to reduce any vibration or excessive wear.
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