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Introducing the all-new MacDon FD2 FlexDraper®

More Capacity. More Speed. More Flex. The all-new FD2 gives you more of everything you need for harvesting performance from the company that brought you the Original FlexDraper®.


A Ground Following Dream.
MacDon's legendary ground-following ability continues with the FD2. MacDon's Active Float System gets coupled with up to 70%* more flex for a harvesting experience like no other. Flex-Float Technology® gets turned up with MacDon's optional ContourMaxTM Contour Wheels. These wheels allow the header to follow the field's contours, leaving a consistent stubble height while cutting from 1 to 18 inches+ off the ground.


Cut Cleaner. Cut Faster. Cut More.
MacDon's ClearCutTM High-Speed Cutting System delivers just that; clean cutting at up to 30% faster speeds*. Helping you get there is MacDon's improved knife drive with more power and new knife section geometry with 25% more cutting surface. A smooth close shave comes from two unique ClearCut Knife Guards; choose between Pointed Knife Guards or PlugFree™ Knife Guards that resist plugging even in the nastiest conditions.


High Volume Heads-First Feeding.
The FD2's all-new frame features an ultra-deep deck with 50 inch deep drapers and is now available in 30 to 50 foot configurations++. The FD2 delivers up to 20%* more capacity of smooth heads-first feeding in the tallest bushiest crops it can get its reel fingers on. No matter what type of combine you mount it to, the FeedMaxTM Crop Feeding System optimizes performance. Along with active crop flow, patented reel movement, and new ShatterGuard reel positioning, the FD2 is ready for action.

Get More with the MacDon FD2 FlexDraper® FD2.MacDon.com

*Compared to previous model.
+2.5 cm (1”) / 45.7 cm (18”)
++ 127 cm (50”), 9.1 m (30’) to 15.2 m (50’)


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